lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

summary of the movie the wedding singer (UNIT 6)


In 1985, Robbie Hart is a wedding singer from Ridgefield, New Jersey. He is engaged to his long-time girlfriend, Linda, who was attracted to him at a time when he dreamed of becoming a rock star. He meets a waitress, called Julia Sullivan (Barrymore), at the reception hall where he regularly performs. Julia is also engaged, to a businessman called Glenn Gulia.
Disappointed over Robbie's loss of ambition, Linda changes her mind on their wedding day and leaves Robbie standing at the altar, emotionally devastated. Robbie tries to move forward with his life, but despair hinders his performances. Julia tries to cheer him up, and later asks him to help her to plan her own wedding. Robbie eventually agrees, and their friendship blossoms. During a double date between Julia and Glenn, and Robbie and Julia's cousin, Holly, Robbie learns that Glenn is frequently cheating on Julia and doesn't plan to stop after being married.
Julia and Robbie are increasingly confused by their deepening feelings for each other, and Robbie mistakenly believes that he can impress Julia by getting a more conventional job. She becomes angry with him for assuming that she is marrying Glenn for his money. After confiding in his best friend, Sammy, Robbie finally decides to confess his true feelings and goes to Julia's house. When he arrives, he sees her through her bedroom window. She is wearing her wedding dress and happily imagining herself as Robbie's wife, but Robbie mistakenly concludes that she is looking forward to marrying Glenn.
Heartbroken, Robbie leaves to get drunk and finds Glenn in the midst of his "pre-bachelor party". After a heated exchange, Glenn punches Robbie. An intoxicated Robbie goes home and finds Linda waiting for him, and wanting to reconcile. Robbie passes out, but the following morning, Linda answers the door and introduces herself as Robbie's fiancée to a crestfallen Julia. Julia runs to Glenn, wanting to be married immediately, and Glenn happily offers to take her to Las Vegas.
Robbie awakens and promptly breaks it off with Linda. Inspired by the 50th wedding anniversary of his friend Rosie, who was taking singing lessons with him, Robbie decides to pursue Julia. Just then, Holly arrives, telling him of Julia's plans. Robbie, Sammy, and Holly rush to the airport, where Robbie books a flight to Las Vegas. He gets a first class ticket because all coach seats are sold out. After telling his story to a sympathetic audience in first class which includes Billy Idol, Robbie learns that Glenn and Julia are on the same flight as he peeps through the curtain separating first class and coach. Over the loudspeaker, and with the help of Idol and the flight crew, Robbie sings a song that was called "Grow Old With You," which he has dedicated to Julia. 
When he enters the coach area, Glenn tries to attack him, only for his path to be blocked by a male flight attendant and Idol both pushing refreshment carts. When Glenn threatens Idol, a burly Idol fan also wearing biker attire forces Glenn down the aisle, and a female flight attendant tried seducing earlier pushes him into the cabin toilet. Robbie and Julia admit their love for each other, and, after Idol briefly interrupts them to offer Robbie support in fulfilling his dream of being a songwriter, they share a kiss. The film ends as the scene fades to a similar kiss, this time at their wedding and Dave Veltri becomes the new Wedding Singer.





For several decades is the constitutional provision of free public education for decades, is not satisfied, because they always appear grounds of "collaboration" of parents and not only in public, but in private, all which raises the cost of education can not always be covered by family income.

the population of our country is aware that in recent years has shown eduacion more free than previous years, but not enough, it is time, then, to demand that education, at least until the middle level, truly free, because need that all children and young Ecuadorians access to classrooms and leverage their talents, their intellectual qualities, for so they can become factors of development of their community, with the maximum possible use of their potential.
But in addition to the gratuity and perhaps be more important priority, we must demand a quality education, which involves the participation of specialist teachers for all students to pursue its development in science, in art, in literature.

I think that although you cannot say that this last government h was the best, and that has completely changed, especially on achieving 100% of gratuity.
if I can recognize that it has shown good changes which are reflected in the lives of the citizens.
in terms of education but has not received teaching excellence and free if you have changed in terms of technological advances, high-level preparation for each teacher who performs functions to state institutions.
also donated school grants for economic and best graduates from colleges and universities.
I can finally say that education is very good compared to other governments and has the largest budget to reduce spending on families in Ecuador.
A constitutional violation is the allocation of State Budget for initial basic education and high school. Annual increases should be at least 0.5% of GDP, reaching a minimum of 6%. But this year the budget reached 3.9% ($ 2,758 million), when it should be 5.5%, according to the Fiscal Policy Observatory (MRO).

Moon considered one of the greatest achievements expanding enrollments at all levels. Although, he says, it is estimated that 40% of children do not finish school.

About the new access to universities that are concerned in these budget problems and not all have access to free education.





Dear Paul

I write this mail hoping to get you in the best way for help to a schedule change on my shift.
sorry not to have been able to communicate this request, but as you will understand was something unexpected.

I hope not to bother with this email and so expect your help and a solution to my order, since the day Tuesday for reasons I can not attend college, why talk to the other cashier Juliana for her to cover my turn, my request is I accept that change, so no harm for both the company and myself.

likewise await your prompt response to make way for this change and especially inform my colleague again reiterate my apologies and thanks for the understanding.

Sincerely, Sylvia Ch

atentamente, Sylvia Ch.



Dear Rector of the Universidad Andina
Simon Bolivar

I attended the International Trade Conference 2013 at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar on Tuesday June 18 of this year and found it interesting and informative. Unfortunately, my enjoyment of the conference was ruined by a series of organizational problems. Explain each of the following problems.

First, I had difficulties in enrolling to attend the event. You configure an online registration service, but the system did not admit that record. Even after spending several wasted hours trying to register in this way, the team would not accept my application. I finally managed to register by fax.

Second, the exhibition was held at a small institution. The lack of space caused serious overcrowding in place, especially in peak visiting times (ie, lunchtime and evening). On one or two occasions, I was also very concerned about the physical safety of the attendees.

The last point I want to make concerns contracted exhibitors, really had no clear the issue that they would make known to the public assistant, which caused confusion in the majority of attendees.

Could you please resolve these issues, not only on my behalf but also on behalf of other participants, and indeed on behalf of his institution.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Sylvia Chango

Attachment: a video example of a complaint.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013




I have a group of students who are planning to visit your area next week.
They belong to a nature conservation group called Marine Biological Reserve, and they would be interested in seeing some local wildlife, vegetation, landscapes.  I was wondering if you could send them a brief report recommending a place they could visit ?
They just need to know what the place is, why it is a suitable place to visit, and practical considerations such as how to get there.


TO: Galapagos Marine Biological Reserve
FROM: Sylvia Chango
RE: I plan to visit the Galapagos Islands.

this reserve is in the island region, Colon Archipelago, Galápagos Province with a depth of 0-4000 m.
TOURISM: Tourism activity conducted in Galapagos is an important income for the country and the islands (Montesinos 2002). In 2005 the entry was recorded 122,445 tourists, of which 68,066 (56%) and recreational activities conducted visits to the GMR (GNPS 2006). The Reserve has identified more than 60 tourist sites, of which only a few are used frequently, many others do not receive more than 100 tourists a year, or have never been visited, showing overfishing in certain areas and under-exploitation in others.


Vegetation types: intertidal zone (mangroves, lagoons, coastal, sandy beaches, rocky beaches and cliffs), coastal waters (funds and sub-tidal rocky vertical walls, coral reefs and sandy bottoms) open water or pelagic (low) .
VEGETATION: The food web in the ocean begins with marine plants: phytoplankton, macroalgae and mangroves, which nourish herbivores, which in turn are eaten by carnivores. On the need for light, all plants are limited to living in the shallows of the sea, where the solar incidence is higher.
WILDLIFE: Regarding marine diversity, currently there are records of more than 2909 species, of which 18.2% are endemic, although on average by taxonomic group endemism exceeds 21% (Bustamante et al. 2002a).



Visitors have different things to do and see, once you finish your voyage at sea.
the fishing has been the main source of income for the Galapagos, but from the forties, there have been dramatic changes when subsistence fishing began to be replaced by another larger scale, the same that has caused a stir among the Status, conservation organizations and the same group of fishermen catching shark fins is incidental rather than craft, which are basically for export, as it has a very lucrative and beneficial cost.
In the reserve there is variety of fauna characteristic of the place, which makes it irreplaceable compared to other coastal areas of the continent. The most picturesque and vast marine species found in the reserve include the stripe, blue whale, shark, whale, orca, pilot whales, hammerhead sharks, false killer whales and spotted dolphins, bottlenose and Risso, joined them the green turtle, common dolphin, sea cucumber, cod and lobster.


HOW WE: Access, in the first instance, by air from the Ecuadorian mainland to the islands, or by sea rarely. From here you can venture to the coastal areas of life or, failing that, by boat to open water areas where you can do different activities.
this reserve is worth $ 8 two adults one child, all this value covers visits to the various acres of land with the reservation.



jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

WRITING (Unit 5)

WRITING (Unit 5)

I am a very fun, I love to live life to thousands and leaving parties with my friends.

I love dancing, is what relaxes me and makes me forget about problems.

I dance all types of music but mostly reggaeton, this rhythm is very cheerful and busy.

hang out with my friends is fun, because they are an important part in my life to whom I consider my other family as they daily share new things, new experiences and especially new crazy things.




This is a shopping center. His name is "South Quicentro". There are two floors of this mall. the shopping center is located in the streets Quitumbre Ñan and Moran Valverde and next to the parking lot there.

A side of the shopping center is the trolebus station. On the second floor, there are several restaurants and even has a place for ice skating. In front of the main entrance is the Yambal event hall. A marathon shop is next to the sandwiches "Spanish".

The mall has a movie theater chain "Supercines" There is a post office in Ecuador. By season's various Christmas decorations which incite to buy Christmas articles for the family. 

On the second floor, we also find clothing stores, grocery stores, shoe stores, music stores and even a video game room between fast food "Play Zone" to have fun with the children. It has many electric stairs and lifts.

I recommend you visit!