miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013



Mama Negra festival is held in Latacunga, located in the center of Ecuador, is one of the most beautiful and traditional celebrations in Ecuador and it is a cultural phenomenon.
Mama Negra is indigenous, African and Hispanic and in this trilogy is expressed the beauty of its people.

The feast is celebrated on two dates of important significance:
• The first takes place in the month of September in honor of their Lady of La Merced who appeased the fury of the Cotopaxi volcano eruption in 1742, for this reason they proclaimed her like "lawyer of the volcano."
• The second is done in the first week of November, it is the party where the habitants of Latacunga celebrates every year the anniversary of its independence, is a fun parade of popular characters that give joy to your celebration.

• Mama Negra: Is an Indian man dressed of woman with a black wig, red lips, made - up entirely in black, that always parades on a beige horse. His dress is red and wears a shawl embroidered with different colors, a mirror cloth blouse, shoes and socks of vivid colors. The horse carry two black dolls representing the children of Mama Negra, also in his arms carry the youngest daughter.
The Angel of the Star, is dressed in white, with large wings on the back and a crown on his head, a scepter is carried on his right hand and he is riding in a white horse.
• The Camisonas: Another of the most comical characters of the troupe are men that wear broad and transparent dresses in bright colors and wigs, in his hands carry a whip.
among others.

In this celebration are performed some activities like dances, in the morning takes place the traditional parade through the principal streets of Latacunga, where you can see several things such as dances, and bands.
people also tasted the typical food of this place as Chugchucaras, cuy asado, allullas and its special drink aguardiente better known as "puntas".
And at night all the streets are full of dances, music and there are also burning fireworks, people attending to this typical party spends an unforgettable day.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013


My name is Sylvia chango, I am 20 years old.
I study in the Army Polytechnic School, in the career of Business International in 5to level.
I study in the morning and in the afternoon I study English.
I have 4 brothers only men, I am the quarter of all they.
My father´s name is Alfredo Chango, he is security guard, he is 53 years old and is the most important person in my live together with my younger brother.
My mother´s name is Angelita, she is a doctor, she works in Spain approximately 14 years.
I like go out with my friends, dance, listen to music specially reggae music because is very relaxing.


  • 100% learn English
  • have excellent grades and be one of the best students of teacher.
  • Make new friends and get along with all my classmates.
  • Get my sufficiency in English with my friends
  • Master the language in order to defend myself in my profession